Inside the company
- Apira minimises the amount of travel associated with the delivery of our services (by using Teams and other online services).
- We prefer the use of public transport where this is still necessary or valuable to our clients.
- Travel has fallen dramatically since the pandemic and we continue to monitor our carbon footprint.
- We systematically develop staff ensuring they are well supported and have learning opportunities both formal and within work assignments.
- We facilitate flexible as well as part time working to enable staff to best perform in their roles, face to face time is also valued.
- We have an employee development forum chaired by a Full Board Director.
- We recognise and support various charities and champion events such as Pride and Mental Health week.
- Apira recognises the value of a diverse workforce. We bring people together from NHS, supplier and commercial backgrounds to enhance our capability.
- We have a non-discriminatory policy regarding employment, promotion and membership of our Board across gender, sexual orientation, race and religious belief.
- We engage staff in the management of the company via several Board sub committees including a People Management and Sales Group.