24 October 2023 News

HPN South: Lessons Learned from an Acute EPR Procurement


Apira recently attended the Healthcare Partnership Network (HPN) South event. The event, a two-day gathering of healthcare professionals and industry experts, served as a valuable platform for the team to engage with existing clients, network with other trusts and suppliers, and share insights on our experiences of supporting trusts and ICS regions to deliver digital enabled change programmes.

As part of the event the Apira delivered a joint presentation on the lessons learned from an acute Electronic Patient Record (EPR) procurement. The presentation introduced by Phill James, Managing Consultant for Apira, showcased a client’s lived experiences.

Phill reflected upon the well attended presentation, delivered by Kelvyn Hipperson, CIO  at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and joint SRO for the EPR Programme. The presentation centred on the lessons learned during the trust’s recent procurement of an acute EPR system which Apira supported the trust to run as part of a wider KPMG team.

The presentation attracted a healthy number of delegates and began with a quick introduction to the trusts involved and the investment objectives. It quickly transitioned into an overview of how all provider EPRs contribute to the Cornish healthcare landscape, emphasising shared care records, cross referrals, service provider patient portals, and overarching population health management initiatives.

The presentation underlined the importance of determination and perseverance to succeed in the complex world of healthcare procurement, with the procurement process the culmination of a 20 year of journey. Kelvyn shared his personal insights regarding working collaboratively with NHSE, adapting to changing circumstances, and strategically planning for funding opportunities, which he deemed essential qualities for success. He also discussed the challenges associated with navigating non-negotiable aspects such as convergence and affordability.

The engaging presentation sparked a series of audience questions, with particular interest in the specification of the project and stakeholder management. Attendees were eager to learn from the experiences of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, highlighting the value of sharing expertise and insights in the healthcare community.

Commenting on the presentation, Phill said: “Presenting to industry peers with a valued client is always enjoyable and fulfilling. Sharing lessons is now an expectation in digital healthcare and the voice of our clients of their lived experience adds far more weight than ours”.  

The presentation at the HPN South event is a testament to Apira’s dedication to supporting customers to improve healthcare through innovative solutions and their commitment to sharing valuable insights with the healthcare community. As healthcare professionals continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of EPR procurement, the lessons learned which Apira captures and shares from projects across the country are a valuable resource for those seeking to make a positive impact on patient care.

Rory Dennis, Director of Growth at Apira, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating, “The event was an excellent opportunity to engage in one-to-one discussions with both Clinical and Operational leaders from the NHS. I enjoyed meeting new people and understanding how we may be able to help organisations with their plans, while seeing a client discuss a successful project is always a wonderful thing to watch. Overall, we had an incredibly successful event.” 

To learn more about our experiences and to understand more about how we can support your organisation please contact Director of Growth, Rory Dennis rory.dennis@apira.co.uk