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5 June 2024 Articles

Opinion – Embracing Electronic Document Management in the NHS: More than Just a Digital Revolution

Ruairi Hallissey, consultant at Apira, shares how his early career working directly within NHS Trusts allowed him to witness firsthand the transformative power of implementing an Electronic Document Management (EDM) system and how this experience significantly shaped him into the consultant he is today.
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1 May 2024 Articles

Opinion Piece -From Junior Consultant to aspiring Director at Apira

Rupal Thakarshi, Managing Consultant at Apira, discusses her career progression and the ways in which Apira has influenced and aided her development.
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9 April 2024 Articles

Opinion -Navigating the HIMSS EMRAM Framework: Transforming Healthcare

Kiran Dave, Managing Consultant at Apira shares her thoughts on the importance of HIMSS EMRAM and how Apira can help Trusts navigate the Framework. 
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9 January 2024 Articles

Opinion – Navigating the Deployment Dilemma: Mental Health EPR – Getting it Right First Time or Landing and Expanding?

The implementation of Electronic Patient Records (EPR) in the mental health sector presents a pivotal decision point for healthcare organisations. A dominating question persists: should NHS trust strive for perfection from the outset, meticulously addressing all intricacies before going live, or is it more prudent to embrace the Land and Expand approach, launching safely but swiftly and refining based on local trust user experience? At Apira, our Managing Director and our Founder presents differing perspectives on this dilemma.
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19 December 2023 Articles

Apira’s Journey in 2023: Pioneering Healthcare Innovation

Throughout 2023, amidst various challenges in the NHS, Apira stood out for its commitment, expertise and achievements in partnering with  a variety of NHS trusts, and driving transformative projects across the sector.
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15 December 2023 Articles

Apira’s Festive Message: Reflecting on 2023 this Christmas

As we approach the festive season our Managing Director Alan Brown reflects on the past year within Apira. 
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14 November 2023 Articles

In it for the duration!

David Corbett, Executive Director, shares why Apira are in it for the duration and how we are going from strength to strength. 
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25 October 2023 Articles

Opinion – Electronic Document Management: The often overlooked element of NHS digital transformation

Tom Moody, Consultant, shines a spotlight on Electronic Document Management and why he believes it's time for a transformative shift in our approach. 
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23 August 2023 Articles

Electronic Sharing of Medicines Information: Paving the Way for Safer Patient Care

A recent study conducted by the University of Manchester, commissioned by NHS England, has revealed that electronic sharing of prescription medicines information holds the key to significantly improving patient safety in healthcare settings.
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